
20. 03. 2024 19:00

Big Brother Awards 2023

Who collected and misused our data the most in 2023? For the nineteenth time, the non-profit organisation IuRe (Iuridicum Remedium) will give awards to the biggest privacy violators. A gala evening and the announcement of the results, in which this time the public also spoke.

The Big Brother Awards, which is also held in many other countries, refers its name to a character in George Orwell's novel 1984in which society is under constant scrutiny. The aim of the competition is to draw attention to the greatest violations of privacy committed by public and private actors. Tips for nominees are collected by IuRe throughout the year, and the public can also participate. A jury of lawyers, journalists and IT experts will then select the winners from the submitted tips. Prizes are awarded in four categories: long-term snooper, corporate snooper, official snooper and Big Brother statement. In contrast, the fifth award, the Positive Award, is given to the person who has done the most to protect privacy in a given year.

Free admission.

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