+ Peak Christmas party season +

This week you can look forward to theatre, movies and a party!

Do you want to meet Franz Kafka or Karel Čapek? Tonight is your chance! Theatre Chučka will be performing his literary detective story Little Foot and Wohryzek for young and old alike. Start at 19:00.

Tomorrow at 20:00, the international band Loes & Acoustic Engineers will rock the house. The frontwoman Loes also won second place at the Sofia Singer Songwriter Fest in Bulgaria in autumn 2022, so there will definitely be something to look forward to!

Our Christmas party season continues on Wednesday at 5pm with the Guerilla Records party. A music and beer evening with the opportunity to buy the label's records - perfect for those still looking for Christmas presents.

We are very pleased to host our neighbors from the Incubator in Krenovka with their puppet films on Friday. The projector lights up at 7:00.

And finally, the highlight of the week and the Christmas parties - the unionzzie party! We already have the tree, so all we need is you! Saturday at 7:00 p.m.