/EN below/


In the summer, you want to play it easy!


Play in the Unijazz Reading Room at one of our summer acoustic concerts. Whether you're starting a new musical project or have been at home on stage for years, we welcome your music in acoustic form. Invite your loved ones and your fan club to come and chill and tune in with us in the summer heat. During the evening there will be an opportunity for 3-4 projects to perform (soloists* and multi-member groups - acoustic playing is a prerequisite). Each project will get a maximum of 30 minutes of playing time, 150 CZK budget at the bar and money from the audience, collected during the performance "in the hat / in the case".


Technical conditions:
- there will be a power supply on the stage, max. two microphones with stands and an active loudspeaker for the vocals (without a sound engineer and PA)
- custom sound (e.g. 10-15W combo) for guitar, bass or keyboards can also be used. However, it will not be possible to install your own complete sound equipment
- percussion will include cajon, tambourine or other acoustic percussion. It will not be possible to use a full drum kit
- We don't want to limit ourselves in terms of genre, and we in the Reading Room organizing team would like to broaden our horizons.


We will then choose from the possible flood of interested *women* responsibly to the (d)ears of those listening.


Concert dates (always start at 19:00):
Wednesday 12. 7.
Tuesday 18. 7.
Tuesday 8. 8.
Wednesday 16. 8.
Wednesday 23. 8.


Those interested in playing can apply by e-mail annamarie@unijazz.cz until Sunday 25th June.




Acoustic Summer in Čítárna Unijazz!


In summertime, it's time to play it easy! Take part in one of our summer acoustic concerts. Whether you're starting a new musical project or have been performing on stages for years, your music in acoustic form is welcome in our venue. Feel free to invite your friends and fans and come to cool down and tune in to Čítárna Unijazz in the summer heat. During the evening, there will be space for 3-4 projects to perform (both soloists and groups - acoustic playing is required). Each project will get max 30 minutes of playing time, 150 CZK budget at the bar and money from the audience, collected during the performance "into a hat / case".


Technical conditions:
- there will be an electricity connection on the stage, max. two
microphones with stands and an active loudspeaker for the vocals
(without a sound engineer and PA)
- your own small sound equipment (e.g. 10-15W combo) for guitar, bass or keyboards can also be used. However, it will not be possible to set up your own complete sound equipment
- for percussion, it will be possible to use a cajon, tambourine or
other acoustic percussion. It will not be possible to use a full drum
- we don't want to limit ourselves in terms of genre, we ourselves in Čítárna Unijazz would like to broaden our horizons.


In case there is an enormous amount of musicians who would like to participate, we are going to choose responsibly to the audience's ears and souls.


Dates of the gigs (start always at 7 PM):
Wednesday July 12
Tuesday 18 July
Tuesday 8 August
Wednesday 16 August
Wednesday 23 August


Interested musicians can apply to annamarie@unijazz.cz until Sunday June 25.