+ Programme for January published +

The Reading Room will start the year 2023 in no other way than musically and literarily. This is exactly what the evening we are organizing in cooperation with Krenovou and now also with Prague City LibraryOn 9 January you will have the opportunity to meet, among others, the writer Štěpán Kučera, who, in addition to being the author of two books that have been nominated for the Magnesia Literatu, he also writes lyrics for musician Karel Pazdera, whom you will also be able to listen to during the evening.

At the end of the month, 27.1., don't miss the band Cuttlefish from the mountainsthat will bring us a whiff of Berlin's streets. Their music is based on improvisation, experimentation and elaboration of recurring motifs. And since many of us want to lose the Christmas goodies in January, they'll be playing Computer-controlled weight loss. Listening alone will not make you lose weight, but if you add dancing or at least a slight rocking of the knees, success is guaranteed.

In addition to the literary and musical evening and the Sepia, we are of course also planning a number of other events. Worth highlighting is the concert of the quartet Fahrzavö, two nights of free jam, or the launch of a new translation Deserted lands T.S. Eliot with the participation of the superstar of Czech English studies Martin Hilsky. In mid-January, we will also open a new exhibition of plastic prints and digital prints called Up and down. The full programme can be found here.