Echoes of the SPACE X Festival + Ivo Karásek - photographs (vernissage + concerts)
11. 03.Lecture
Pavel Klusák: Suchý & Šlitr - The Story of Semafor in the 1960s
10. 03.filmtheaters
Fragility - documentary
7. 03.concertmic_external_on
Elka with guests: album launch Jedeme domů
6. 03.Chesscasino
Unijazz open
5. 03.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #259
4. 03.concertmic_external_on
CANCELLED: Concert of the band 29/2 and album launch "Kafka in motion again"
1. 03.concertmic_external_on
Orpheus and Eurydice
27. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Jakub Kapičiak: I write, therefore I (am not) - launch of a book about the Russian underground
25. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Text-appeal vol. 17
24. 02.open celebration with programme
5 years Re-set
21. 02.concertmic_external_on
Prune - album launch
20. 02.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 close-up #7: Sasha Michailidis
19. 02.concertmic_external_on
Madame LEDET & The Late Night Affair
13. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Plav: Words tingling, meaning flowing away
12. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: Ring made of wire
11. 02.concertmic_external_on
Electra5 + PLOY
6. 02.Chesscasino
Unijazz open
5. 02.concertmic_external_on
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #258
4. 02.Exhibition
Pavel Kořínek: Portraits of Inspirational Men
3. 02.concertmic_external_on
Gumbo Blues & Mystery Shoes (Phil Shoenfelt, Janny Richter)
30. 01.concertmic_external_on
Manel Ferreira + Kamila & Adam
29. 01.concertmic_external_on
František Skála & Třaskavá směs
28. 01.private event
Private event
25. 01.concertmic_external_on
Mirek Kemel trio + Neúspěšný Atlet
24. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Myroslav Lajuk: Bachmut - presentation of the Czech translation of the book with the participation of the author
23. 01.private event
14:00-17:00 CLUB ENTERED
22. 01.pub quiz
Pub quiz #11
22. 01.private event
Club entered from 19:00
18. 01.open celebration with programme
KGN and La Petit Chat
17. 01.concertmic_external_on
Syrový tóny + Katka Šarközi
16. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Evening of fantasy fans at Argo publishing house
14. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Text-appeal vol. 16
13. 01.concertmic_external_on
10. 01.concertmic_external_on
Bottled Fish + Rhapsody
9. 01.Chesscasino
Unijazz open
8. 01.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #257
7. 01.Exhibition
Roman Ťalský: I'm still here for three kings
6. 01.private event
Private event
23. 12.Benefice
The Year After: Fedor Gál & Drť, Matouš Hejl trio
21. 12.concertmic_external_on
The Big Christmas Show: DPvJU + Werischi + more
20. 12.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 Close-up #6: Douglas Arellanes
18. 12.The Messagegroups
Talking about singing #1: Jana Vébrová
17. 12.literary open-mic
Open drawers #7
16. 12.Christmas party
Christmas in Krenovka
13. 12.private event
Club entered from 18:00
12. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Robin Král: The Awakening Book - book and audiobook launch
11. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: An evening with books by the Nobel Prize winner for literature
10. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Pulchra - Vokno
9. 12.private event
Club booked until 19:00
7. 12.concertmic_external_on
The Spermbankers
6. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Anna Kotvalová/Debut book launch
5. 12.Chesscasino
Unijazz open
4. 12.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #256
3. 12.Exhibition
Lubino Holba: The Secret Life
2. 12.private event
Closed to the public
30. 11.private event
Open from 16:00
29. 11.concertmic_external_on
Ma Records: Evil Joe (album release) + Mushushsu
29. 11.concertmic_external_on
Bylo nás víc: 60 years on the scene
27. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Lukas Trejbal: In your pocket you have the keys to the Salvation Army - launch of a poetry collection
26. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Tympanum + Argo: American elections up close
25. 11.Theatretheater_comedy
22. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Revolver Revue night: "I won't meet anyone there!" - Zbyněk Hejda (1930-2013)
21. 11.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 #5: Zdeněk Hnyk
20. 11.concertmic_external_on
Alternativa 2024: Seeing heavy music + Mica Trombini + \unexCoder
19. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Vladimír Kouřil: Narrow paths
18. 11.concertmic_external_on
Jiří Bulis: The Sun on the Quilts
14. 11.Martina Trchová and guests: 90 % happiness
13. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: Miloš Urban - Dr. Alz
12. 11.concertmic_external_on
Kino Jana Nerudy
11. 11.concertmic_external_on
Kolektivní Halucinace
7. 11.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
6. 11.Exhibition
Michal Vokřál: Exhibition of photographs "80"
5. - 30. 11.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #255
5. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Dresden Poetry Prize 2024 - Prague Evening
1. 11.concertmic_external_on
JWQ: Janoušek-Wróblewski Quartet
31. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Marta Krausová: launch of her poetry collection Roztřesky a remixy
30. 10.concertmic_external_on
CANCELLED: Mooncult + Caulichute
29. 10.concertmic_external_on
Failed athlete
25. 10.concertmic_external_on
Marie Puttnerová with band
24. 10.concertmic_external_on
Fumar Mata + Lonely Shredder and The Heavy Smokers
23. 10.private event
from 17:00 CLUB ZADÁN
18. 10.The Messagegroups
KineDok: 10 years with documentary
17. 10.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 #4: Ondřej Štindl
16. 10.concertmic_external_on
Bizarre Band
15. 10.The Messagegroups
We're only born once: Memories of Peter Skoumal
14. 10.concertmic_external_on
Původní Bureš + Nohaband + Hlavec
10. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Sound, gender, identity: book launch
9. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: Across the Atlantic and back again
8. 10.Martina Chloupa + Markét Lamoš Žitňanská: YOU WANT ME I WANT YOU
7. 10.private event
From 17:00 the club entered
5. 10.concertmic_external_on
Futur Swing
3. 10.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
2. 10.Listeningalbum
Vladimír Kouřil´s Jazzmania #254
1. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Jan Kubíček: The Third Manifesto of Poetism
30. 09.concertmic_external_on
Le Kapr + Nick
27. 09.concertmic_external_on
Eva Turnová & Vladivojna La Chia + Low Heaven
26. 09.Presentations
Carrom - Indian Billiards
25. 09.concertmic_external_on
24. 09.festival
Experience the city differently
21. 09.private event
Open until 18:00
20. 09.concertmic_external_on
Mindless Motion + Světlem
19. 09.private event
Open from 17:00
18. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes: Forbidden Exhibition and Underground
18. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Words written in the sand
17. 09.private event
Private event
14. 09.Benefice
Charity evening of poetry in support of the Children's Crisis Centre
12. 09.Open until 18:00
11. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: The Fates of Ordinary People in the Dark Corners of Czech History
10. 09.private event
Private event
7. 09.concertmic_external_on
Der Schoenster Gob & Lea Kalisch
5. 09.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
4. 09.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania #253
3. 09.Exhibition
2. 09.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer #9
27. 08.pub quiz
Pub-quiz #10
21. 08.filmtheaters
Barracks in exile - neighbourhood summer cinema: Kolya
20. 08.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer #8
13. 08.Literatureauto_stories
For the pretentious, the rubble of my described letters is not
8. 08.Exhibition
Unibrejk #7
5. 08.private event
3. 08.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer #7
30. 07.concertmic_external_on
Barracks in exile: Kvietah
29. 07.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer #6
16. 07.private event
Private event
13. 07.CLOSED
3. - 8. 07.Exhibition
Petr Mutina: Colours of life
1. 07.concertmic_external_on
The Spermbankers
28. 06.concertmic_external_on
Matěj Kolařík: graduation concert
27. 06.The Messagegroups
Pauline Butcher: My Life with Frank Zappa - CANCELLED
26. 06.private event
OPEN from 16:00
25. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Open drawers #5
24. 06.Lecture
Dance Prague 2024: Ukrainian countryside through the lens of Karel Cudlín
22. 06.pub quiz
Pub quiz #9
19. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Marek Toman: Czech Glass - novel launch
18. 06.private event
from 17:00 CLOSED
17. 06.Lecture
Dance Prague 2024: Tadeáš Šíma - Africa on a Bicycle
15. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Let light into the dark evening: book launch of Jan Kholl
13. 06.Exhibition
Boskovice 2023
12. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: Wrestling Ukraine
11. 06.concertmic_external_on
°sisa feher & mammatus°
10. 06.festival
Dance Prague: Miljo Milev - The best of Iceland or what we don't have at home
8. 06.private event
7. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Franz Kafka becomes a writer
6. 06.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
5. 06.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #252
4. 06.private event
Closed - private event
3. 06.Exhibition
Filip Buryán: "The Art of Dreaming"
31. 05.concertmic_external_on
Character ideas
30. 05.concertmic_external_on
NOP - Norbi Kovács & Olin Nejezchleba & Pavel Fischer
27. 05.festival
Žižkov Intermediate Courts 2024
25. 05.Benefice
What totalitarian power tastes like: The auction cube supports Ukraine
23. 05.filmtheaters
KineDok Presents: lightfreeze
22. 05.Literatureauto_stories
Klára Elšíková: launch of the book Pacanka
20. 05.concertmic_external_on
Romanovská Tichý Hrubý + HotPotFree
16. 05.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
15. 05.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: Radical Needs - novel launch
14. 05.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 close-up #3: Eschus
13. 05.private event
11. 05.concertmic_external_on
Martin Kyšperský & Anna Háblová
9. 05.The Messagegroups
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #251
7. 05.Exhibition
Mikuláš Petr and Lenka Tálská: 17°C
6. 05.concertmic_external_on
Cermaque & Zhilee
2. 05.dance
International Dance Day in Krenovka
29. 04.concertmic_external_on
DPvJU + Pronominal Carrots (USA/FR)
25. 04.pub quiz
Pub quiz #8
24. 04.concertmic_external_on
Rob Clamp + Bechy & Fee
22. 04.concertmic_external_on
Yo Soy Indigo
18. 04.Chesscasino
Rapid by Věra Menčíková #14
16. 04.Literatureauto_stories
The Second City: book launch of Bloody Žižkov
15. 04.Literatureauto_stories
Typohorky Live: 10 ways not to start a font
11. 04.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: The Baptism of Jehovah
9. 04.private event
open until 16:00
8. 04.Exhibition
Jonáš Kobr: The Mystery of the Kobrodruhs
8. 04.concertmic_external_on
4. 04.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
3. 04.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #250
2. 04.Open from 16:00
1. 04.Easter opening hours
29. 03. - 1. 04.concertmic_external_on
MR + Merbo Tubes
28. 03.Theatretheater_comedy
Mr. Tumor
27. 03.concertmic_external_on
The Spermbankers
26. 03.Žižkov Night
22. - 23. 03.concertmic_external_on
The BladderStones
21. 03.Big Brother Awards 2023
20. 03.private event
19. 03.filmtheaters
1989: We want to breathe
18. 03.concertmic_external_on
Phillip Bracken + NINA ROSA solo
14. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: The murderer is a gardener
12. 03.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 Close #2: Reggae Club
11. 03.concertmic_external_on
Tell me: Ridina Ahmed, Milli Janatkova, Antonia Nyass
7. 03.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
6. 03.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #249
5. 03.Exhibition
Václav Benedikt: Places in Time
4. 03.multi-genre evening
1. 03.concertmic_external_on
Tomas Braun + Warehouse by Walda
29. 02.pub quiz
Pub-quiz #7
28. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Evening with Revolver Revue
27. 02.The Messagegroups
Radio 1 nearby: Radio 1's Hit Parade comes to life
26. 02.concertmic_external_on
Landscape + Windmill
22. 02.The Messagegroups
Caroline Zoe Meixner: National Rape Tour
21. 02.concertmic_external_on
Loes & Honza + Magnus Pole: Songs in the key of sea
20. 02.Theatretheater_comedy
Jezgrlz: And you'll have some?
19. 02.concertmic_external_on
Milli Janatková + Ira Mimosa
15. 02.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
14. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: To Helm's Deep
13. 02.Open until 18:00
10. 02.concertmic_external_on
The Flying Rabbi
8. 02.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #248
6. 02.Exhibition
Iva Grundová and Vladimír Wagner
5. 02.Open until 18:00
3. 02.Open until 19:00
2. 02.concertmic_external_on
Jungle Debris
1. 02.debate
Architectura.cz: Prague, public space, art
30. 01.concertmic_external_on
Kvietah + Jakub Das
29. 01.concertmic_external_on
Farmer's Cabrio + Purple Velvet
25. 01.filmtheaters
Piano at the crossroads
24. 01.Lecture
Wabi sabi: finding beauty in imperfection
23. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Caroline Zoe Meixner: National Rape Tour
22. 01.Crapsfest
19. 01.concertmic_external_on
Nikki Triiio
18. 01.Theatretheater_comedy
K.o.P.R. on coffee
17. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Jiří Plocek: Song as a symbol
16. 01.Exhibition
Pavel Matela: Ciccina and Cicciolina
15. 01.concertmic_external_on
11. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Argo: The long-awaited Tolkien party
9. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Guest of Krenovka: An evening of contemporary poetry
8. 01.concertmic_external_on
Iggy Mayerov + Evah - concert rescheduled from 14. 12.
5. 01.concertmic_external_on
4. 01.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
3. 01.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #247
2. 01.CLOSED
1. 01.Christmas opening hours
23. 12. - 1. 01.concertmic_external_on
Katarína Máliková + Tereza Hrabini
21. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Open drawers #5
19. 12.filmtheaters
KineDok reports: Visitors
18. 12.The Messagegroups
Ukrainian Christmas
17. 12.partynightlife
Christmas party
15. 12.concertmic_external_on
CANCELLED Iggy Mayerov + Evah
14. 12.filmtheaters
16mm film: garden - CANCELLED
13. 12.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: An evening with the work of Cormac McCarthy and his translators
12. 12.The Messagegroups
Guest of Krenovka: diver Miloslav Haták
11. 12.Open only until 18:00
8. 12.concertmic_external_on
Spermbankers - Album launch
7. 12.Open until 17:00
6. 12.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
6. 12.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania #246
5. 12.Exhibition
Richard Kliment - A good coat of paint is needed
4. 12.From 16:00 to 19:00 Closed
2. 12.partynightlife
Christmas concert of the Gymnasium and Music School of the capital city Prague
1. 12.Open until 17:00
30. 11.concertmic_external_on
Katka Šarközi + Cheese tones
30. 11.The Messagegroups
Openly about Prague #6
29. 11.Architectura.cz: Art in the public space of Žižkov
28. 11.An evening with words and music by Pavel Zajicek
27. 11.concertmic_external_on
Sally Grayson + Hippie Chippies
23. 11.Open until 17:00
22. 11.pub quiz
Pub-quiz #6
22. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: The Dog with the Throat
21. 11.concertmic_external_on
It's out!
16. 11.filmtheaters
16mm film
15. 11.Literatureauto_stories
Tympanum: Putin's war through the eyes of CT reporters
14. 11.The Messagegroups
Guest of Krenovka: Lenka Klicperová and Markéta Kutilová
13. 11.we close at 17:00
11. 11.concertmic_external_on
Youlie acoustically
9. 11.Exhibition
See dense music & Timothée Quost
8. 11.Listeningalbum
7. 11.concertmic_external_on
Bemsha Quartet
2. 11.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
1. 11.Lecture
Architectura.cz: Contemporary City vs. Contemporary Art
31. 10.festival
29. 10.concertmic_external_on
Tryptych Gala Concert
26. 10.pub quiz
Pub-quiz #5
25. 10.filmtheaters
That time in Prague
24. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Plav: From the empty darkness of a village disco
23. 10.concertmic_external_on
CANCELLED: Penthouse + Moriah Woods + Mr Pink and the Bad Thoughts
20. 10.Theatretheater_comedy
K.Op.R: Wheel of Fortune
18. 10.Literatureauto_stories
My name is Rosalie and Wenceslas will save your life
17. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Jana Kománková: Radio 1 - life on air
16. 10.concertmic_external_on
Original Bures + Nohaband on Fleka Hlavac
12. 10.filmtheaters
16mm film
11. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: Bob Dylan
10. 10.Literatureauto_stories
Guest of Krenovka: Pavel Pavel
9. 10.concertmic_external_on
Dorota Barová solo
5. 10.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
4. 10.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #244
3. 10.Exhibition
Jiří Janda (Stinka + Rudovous)
2. 10.The Messagegroups
Openly about Prague #5
27. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Dagmar Plamperová: Wales and beyond...
25. 09.WE CLOSE AT 19:00
22. 09.concertmic_external_on
Frankenguitar Session
21. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Radek Doskočil: Golem Tower Me
19. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Remembrance of Libor Batrla
18. 09.festival
Experience the city differently
16. 09.concertmic_external_on
14. 09.filmtheaters
16mm film
13. 09.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: I'm nowhere here
12. 09.The Messagegroups
Guest of Krenovka: Jaroslav Rudiš
11. 09.concertmic_external_on
DPvJU + Jan Fic
7. 09.OPEN UNTIL 17:00
6. 09.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
6. 09.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #243
5. 09.Exhibition
Krenovka Incubator: a visit to the neighbours
4. - 30. 09.Private event - closed
25. 08.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer in the Reading Room #5
23. 08.concertmic_external_on
16. 08.concertmic_external_on
8. 08.Exhibition
Unibrejk #6
7. 08. - 1. 09.pub quiz
Pub quiz #4
26. 07.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer in the Reading Room #2
18. 07.Exhibition
Jiri Volek: band Dunaj 1992-1997
17. 07. - 31. 08.concertmic_external_on
Acoustic Summer in the Reading Room #1
12. 07.concertmic_external_on
Janny's Hog Ranch + Band of Heysek
29. 06.The Messagegroups
Openly about Prague #5: Caring for the cultural heritage of Prague
28. 06.concertmic_external_on
Petr Borkovec + Prague Quiet Music Collective
27. 06.filmtheaters
16mm film
26. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Stefan Segi: Non-Correct Literature
23. 06.concertmic_external_on
Helena Kalamba
22. 06.concertmic_external_on
Fanfan Tulip
21. 06.The Messagegroups
Memories of Peter Kalandra
20. 06.The Messagegroups
Guest of Krenovka: Trans-Siberian Odyssey (Ina Píšová)
19. 06.partynightlife
Reading Room Birthday Party + Respect Festival Afterparty
17. 06.concertmic_external_on
Country + Ira
16. 06.concertmic_external_on
Nejezchleba, Jedlinsky, Kovács, Fischer
15. 06.Open until 20:00
14. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Reading with Respect: Bruno Latour (lounge)
13. 06.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: State of weightlessness
13. 06.concertmic_external_on
Hrubý, Štorm, Horváth
9. 06.concertmic_external_on
Ustad Noor Bakhsh
8. 06.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
7. 06.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #242
6. 06.Exhibition
Festival Boskovice: photography 2022
5. 06. - 31. 07.CLOSED - PRIVATE EVENT
3. 06.concertmic_external_on
The Tin Turtles + George Moon + more
1. 06.filmtheaters
16mm film
31. 05.pub quiz
Pub quiz #3
30. 05.Literatureauto_stories
An Evening with Comenius: Labyrinth of the World and Lusthauz Heart in a new edition
29. 05.The Messagegroups
Žižkov Intermediate Courts in Krenovka
27. 05.concertmic_external_on
Alen + David Pomahač
25. 05.Literatureauto_stories
Revolver Revue: Filip Topol & Cédric Demangeot
23. 05.The Messagegroups
Guest of Krenovka: Petr Lapáček
22. 05.concertmic_external_on
The jetset
18. 05.Literatureauto_stories
Michal Bulíř: Valerie in the Year of Wonders
17. 05.The Messagegroups
David Vávra: Own architectural projects
16. 05.Listeningalbum
!! CANCELLED !!! The Muses of Milos Latislav: British experimental rock, pop and jazz
15. 05.concertmic_external_on
Silence & Joy + Jakub Das
12. 05.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
11. 05.concertmic_external_on
Eamon McGrath (CA) + The Hills Mover (BE)
10. 05.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: Launch of two novels by Jack Kerouac
9. 05.We're open
8. 05.Exhibition
Market Lamoš Žitňanská: Grey cells
5. 05. - 3. 06.concertmic_external_on
Quarter to Death + Filip Koryta
4. 05.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #241
1. 05.Theatretheater_comedy
Jana Drdácká: Dream of Bozena
29. 04.concertmic_external_on
Land's Air and guests (Vrba, Mikyska, Mrva)
29. 04.Literatureauto_stories
Nanao Sakaki: Go lightly
28. 04.concertmic_external_on
Jana Vébrová
27. 04.The Messagegroups
Openly about Prague #3: Žižkov as an inspiration for development
26. 04.filmtheaters
16mm film
26. 04.The Messagegroups
Memories of ETC...
25. 04.The Messagegroups
Guests of Krenovka: Martin Nawrath and Sklad by Walda
24. 04.concertmic_external_on
20. 04.Listeningalbum
Jazz LP Supraphon ca. 1963-1989 #4
19. 04.concertmic_external_on
Vrat'a Brabenec + Romanovská Tichý Hrubý and guests
18. 04.Literatureauto_stories
Reading with Respect: Matilda Voss Gustavsson
17. 04.concertmic_external_on
Cain Da Breth
15. 04.concertmic_external_on
Lógrnight vol. 46
12. 04.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: Petra Hůlová - The Highest Card
11. 04.concertmic_external_on
Mr. Pink and The Bad Thoughts + Rány Těla and more
6. 04.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
5. 04.Listeningalbum
Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril #240
4. 04.Exhibition
Tomáš Braun: What the eyes cannot see
3. 04. - 4. 05.concertmic_external_on
Heavy music: overdriven dreams + BŌR ft. Suubaru
2. 04.Open until 19:00
1. 04.The Messagegroups
Openly about Prague #2: Žižkov Freight Station
29. 03.filmtheaters
16mm film
29. 03.The Messagegroups
Memories of Marsyas
28. 03.Theatretheater_comedy
Egon Bondy and Honza Krejcarová: On Love from the Underworld
27. 03.concertmic_external_on
Žižkov Night
24. - 25. 03.Listeningalbum
Jazz LP Supraphon ca 1963-89 #3
23. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Honza Vojtko: Why isn't sex working for us anymore?
22. 03.pub quiz
Pub quiz #2
21. 03.Lecture
Daniel Polman - Race Across America
20. 03.Literatureauto_stories
WINDOW 1-5(6) - book edition
16. 03.Chesscasino
Rapid by Věra Menčíková
15. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: Peter Placák's Fízl in a new edition
14. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Iva Jungwirth: Cejtit kostičky
13. 03.Exhibition
Jasmín Tůma: Functions of paintings
10. 03. - 3. 04.concertmic_external_on
Dagmar Plamperová & Jana Bezpalcová + Šárka Mattová
9. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Geographies of pain: the disease of the body in literature
8. 03.Listeningalbum
!!!CANCELLED!! Jazzmania of Vladimir Kouril #240
7. 03.The Messagegroups
Michal Hořejší: The Politics of the Forest
6. 03.Presentations
4. 03.concertmic_external_on
Tom Braun: Butterflies on Acid
2. 03.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
1. 03.Literatureauto_stories
Paseka: The House of Cranberries (book launch)
28. 02.jam
World Folk Session vol. 5
27. 02.The Messagegroups
Next Hlavák station: one year since the invasion of Ukraine
24. 02.concertmic_external_on
Original Bures + Raw Tones
23. 02.The Messagegroups
Prague for pedestrians and bikes without engines - Sudop Real + Open House Prague
22. 02.filmtheaters
16 mm film
22. 02.pub quiz
Pub Quiz
21. 02.Listeningalbum
Jazz LP Supraphon ca. 1963-89 (2/3)
20. 02.slam poetry
Slam For Future - Honza Dibitanzl, Večerka, Lef L´Leviatan, Vašek z Aše and Mango
17. 02.concertmic_external_on
Our Dora's hands
16. 02.Exhibition
Malérečka - exhibition of paintings by Hana Lundiaková Stinky
15. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Argo Publishing: Pánek, Palán, Technik - three novel images of our time
14. 02.Lecture
Seafarer Ruda - people, sea and books
13. 02.from 19.00 private event
11. 02.concertmic_external_on
9. 02.Listeningalbum
239. Jazzmania of Vladimír Kouril
7. 02.concertmic_external_on
Moretti, Závodný, Hrubý
3. 02.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
1. 02.Literatureauto_stories
Paseka: You sing as if you were crying (book launch)
31. 01.jam
World Folk Session vol. 4
30. 01.concertmic_external_on
Cuttlefish from the Mountains & Computer-Driven Weight Loss
27. 01.filmtheaters
16mm film
25. 01.Listeningalbum
Jazz LP Supraphon ca. 1963-1989 (1/3)
23. 01.concertmic_external_on
The choir of the Hlasohled association
20. 01.concertmic_external_on
Katarín Zima: Imaginative cello
19. 01.Exhibition
Up and down
16. 01.concertmic_external_on
Klastracinski/ project/
12. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Literary evening with Argo: launch of the new translation of The Waste Land
10. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Liberec-Jablonec literary and musical evening
9. 01.concertmic_external_on
6. 01.Chesscasino
Unijazz Open
4. 01.Listeningalbum
3. 01.jam
World Folk Session vol. 3
2. 01.Literatureauto_stories
Poet Silence: Orinorium Promennor
22. 12.filmtheaters
16mm film - by Adam and Fila
21. 12.concertmic_external_on
Kristýna Větévka: cell concert
20. 12.partynightlife
Christmas unionzzi party
17. 12.filmtheaters
where to go from cannabis
16. 12.partynightlife
christmas colonial guerilla records
15. 12.concertmic_external_on